Spotlight: Simple API Project

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The following is a transcript of Adam Culp's Document a REST API with OpenAPI and Stoplight Studio at (2019). Stoplight enables you to document Rest APIs using the Open API Standard (OAS). Problem: need an Existing API

  1. Open Stoplight Studio.
  2. When Stoplight Studio first opens, you can create a new local project, open an existing Git repository, or return to some Stoplight project you've been working on.
  3. Start a new project by giving it an name and clicking Create.
  4. Click API and give this API a name.
  5. Under Servers, enter https://localhost:8080. Giving it a name is optional, but call it Localhost:8080.
  6. Under Security Schemas, you can select apiKEY, but Adam's video does not cover that.
  7. Under Contact, enter your name, your URL, and your e-mail. You can skip Terms of Service, but it would be URL.
  8. You can skip License although Adam enters MIT and says that you could enter the URL of your GitHub repository.
    Notice that Stoplight is building this project in the right panelm as you enter the details.
  9. Next, create a path: click Paths, click ... just below Paths, select New Path, enter /announcements/, and press Enter. Notice /announcements/ now apears under Paths associated with GET. Stoplight Studio opens up a panel called Your Get Endpoint. Problem: code would come in if existing API
  10. On the right side, click Try It and then Send.