English 2322—Gulliver's Travels, Part 1

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  1. Gulliver's Travels is one of the great examples of
  2. Gulliver's Travels was first published in:
  3. Politically and religiously, Swift was:
    A Nonconformist and Dissenter, staunchly opposed to established Anglican church of England and Englad's established monarchy
    A conservative Anglican, staunchly opposed to established Anglican church of England and Englad's established monarchy
    A staunch Anglican who was hostile to anything that threatened the established church of England or the Crown of England
    One of the new breed to rationalist, materialist thinkers of the eighteenth century who had no use for established religion or corrupt royalty.
  4. Swift has often been labelled a misanthrope, which is:
    A person who loves humanity, believes in humanity's innate goodness
    A person who hates women and sees them as the root of all humanity's problems
    A person who hates humanity, seeing it as deeply and permanently flawed and despising it for its cruelty and corruption
    A person who hates racial and ethnic groups other than his own
  5. The fourth voyage, the account of which makes up the final book of Gulliver's Travels, concerns itself with Houyhnhnms and Yahoos. Respectively, these are:
    A noble, rational race of horses who rule over monkeys that are driven only by appetite and passion
    A noble, rational race of horses who rule over humanlike creatures that are driven only by appetite and passion
    A noble, rational race of monkeys who rule over humanlike horses that are driven only by appetite and passion
    A noble, rational race of humanlike creatures who rule over horselike creatures that are driven only by appetite and passion
  6. Before he began his voyages, Gulliver worked as:
    A surgeon
    A bookseller
    A translator
    A professor
  7. Gulliver comments that because of the strength of his memory, he is very good at:
    Reciting long passages from the Bible
    Remembering statistics of all sorts from everything he has done in his life
    Learning other languages, both ancient and modern
  8. The kingdom in which Gulliver finds himself in Part 1 of his travels is called:
  9. He arrives in this kingdom by what means:
    He is thrown off his ship by pirates and must swim ashore to an island.
    He dreams this entire voyage one night while in his home at Redriff in England.
    The ship he is on sinks and he must swim ashore to an island.
  10. The people in Part 1 of Gulliver's Travels are what size:
    60 feet tall
    6 inches tall
    The size of normal horses
    The size of ordinary people
    The size of chimpanzees
  11. The Emperor of this kingdom in which Gulliver stays is, according to our footnotes, a satire of:
    George I
    George II
    George III
    James I
    James II
  12. When they make an inventory of Gulliver's pockets they find and describe something as follows in their own words: "a hollow pillar of iron, about the length of a man, fastened to a strong piece of timber, larger than the pillar . . . upon one side [of which] were huge pieces of iron sticking out, cut into strange figures." What they describe is Gulliver's:
    Pocket perspective
    Snuff box
  13. They also find an object that makes an "incessant noise," which they imagine is some "unknown animal, or the god he worships," and that Gulliver characterizes as "his oracle" that he rarely does anything without consulting it first. This is Gulliver's:
    Pocket perspective
    Snuff box
  14. The daily allowance of meat and drink that is calculated as right for Gulliver is the same as would sufficient for how many of these people:
  15. In the political world of Part 1, people gain high favor and employment with the court and in particular with the Emperor by doing what:
    Breaking eggs from the big end
    Breaking eggs from the little end
    Dedicating themselves to many years of advanced study
  16. What is the name of the kingdom which is the mortal enemy of the kingdom in which Gulliver spends most of his time, and this enemy kingdom is a satire of what European nation?
    Lilliput; England
    Lilliput; France
    Lilliput; Germany
    Blefuscu; England
    Blefuscu; France
    Blefuscu; Germany
  17. When Gulliver defeats the navy of the enemy kingdom, he is given the highest title of honor possible:
  18. Gulliver, after some length of stay in this kingdom, runs afoul of its court and gets blackmailed by its political intrigues. One action that gets him into the greatest trouble and that is cited in the articles of impeachment is:
    The manner in which he puts out the fire in the Empress's apartment
    The fact that he defeats the enemy navy so easily
    His refusal to remain tied up
  19. The court, after much debate, resolves to punish Gulliver in what manner:
    Chaining him up again in the abandoned temple in which he is first kept
    Gradually feeding him less and less until he starves
    Putting out both his eyes
    Executing him
  20. Gulliver is able to prove to the ship's captain that he has been in a kingdom of people the size he says they were by what:
    Showing him the tiny sheep and cows he put in his pocket upon his departure
    Showing him the tiny horses and pigs he put in his pocket upon his departure
    Actually, he cannot prove any of it, and the ship's captain considers him to be "raving."


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