English 2322 Gulliver's Travels—Part 2

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    Gulliver.s Travels, Part 2
  1. The kingdom in which Gulliver finds himself in Part 2 of his travels is called:
  2. He arrives in this kingdom by what means:
    He is taken for a criminal and is set ashore on an uncharted island where he is discovered by monsters.
    While ashore, his group is attacked by monsters; the rest of his party escapes to the ship; he is left on shore.
    The ship he is on sinks and he must swim ashore to an island whereupon he is discovered and captured by monsters.
  3. The adult people in Part 2 of Gulliver's Travels are what size:
    60 feet tall
    6 inches tall
    The size of normal horses
    The size of ordinary people
    The size of chimpanzees
  4. Gulliver is captured:
    In a wheat field
    In a corn field
    On the beach
  5. Everything in this new kingdom in which Gulliver finds himself is on a scale of:
    60 to 1
    20 to 1
    10 to 1
    6 to 1
  6. Gulliver is captured by
    A farmer
    A fisherman
    The king
    The daughter
  7. In his time spent amongst the people of this second voyage, Gulliver must oftem make use of his hanger, which is:
    A sword
    A pistol
    His toothbrush
    His pocket perspective
  8. The name of the girl who takes care of him the entire time he is in this kingdom is:
  9. The name the girl gives Gulliver and which everybody calls him is:
  10. . One day, Gulliver is caught in a hailstorm; the hailstones, he claims, are the size of:
    Golf balls
  11. On another day, Gulliver has to fight over twenty wasps: what animal does he compare their size to, and how long are their stingers?
    Swans; four feet one inch long
    Dogs; three inches long
    Partridges; one and a half inches long
  12. . For various reasons, the people of this land do not go to sea; however, whales occasionally wash ashore. How big are they?
    Adult men of this land can carry them easily in their arms.
    Adult men can barely carry them on their backs.
    It takes three adult men to carry whales.
  13. Gulliver picks the stumps of the king's beard, which he picks out of the lather when the king is shaven, to make what:
    A comb for his own hair
    A toothbrush
  14. For a gift to the queen, he makes the upholstery for a fancy chair out of what:
    His nurse's hair
    Mouse hair
    The queen's hair
    The hair from the queen's pet spaniel
  15. Who says the following to whom: "But by what I have gathered from your own relation, and the answers I have with much pains wringed and extorted from you, I cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives to be the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth."
    The king of Brobdingnag to Gulliver
    Gulliver to the king of Brobdingnag
    The king of Lilliput to Gulliver
    Gulliver to the king of Lilliput
    Gulliver to the captain of the ship that rescues him
  16. By the time he leaves this kingdom, Gulliver has stayed:
    One year
    Two years
    Five years
    Six years
    Six months
    Two months
  17. Gulliver leaves by which of the following means:
    He rows his box out to sea while no one is looking.
    An eagle carries his box off in its beak.
    He wakes up and he is back in his home in Redriff, England.
  18. Once on the ship, Gulliver finds that all the people on board look like:
  19. Of the various things that Gulliver offers to the ship's captain as a gift for saving him, the captain accepts which of the following, and what are its dimensions?
    A gold ring given Gulliver by the queen; about one to two feet in diameter
    A corn Gulliver had cut off the maid of honor's toes; about the size of a Kentish pippin
    A footman's tooth; four feet long and four inches in diameter
  20. What are Gulliver's feelings about being back among people his own size?
    He finds them the most contemptible little creatures he has ever beheld.
    He is greatly relieved and is struck by what a deep love of humanity he possesses.
    He is worried that they will rob and murder him.


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