The Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale

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  1. The Wife of Bath has been married:
    7 times
    5 times
    3 times
  2. The Wife of Bath was first married at the age of:
  3. In her prologue, the Wife of Bath is very concerned to defend herself against charges that she is a/an:
    Polygamist; bigamist
    Atheist; pagan
  4. Who interrupts the Wife of Bath and why?
    Pardoner: he says he is considering married.
    Miller: he says he is considering getting married.
    Pardoner: he objects to the Wife of Bath.s comments about the Church.
    Miller: he objects to her comments about carpenters.
  5. The Wife of Bath married older men because:
    She felt sorry for them.
    She wanted their money, although she doesn.t directly say so.
    She was forced to marry them by her parents.
    She felt more secure with them (she found young men too wild for her).
  6. One of her husbands read to her from a book that contains stories about:
    Wicked husbands who tormented or killed their wives
    Wicked wives who tormented or killed their husbands
    Bawdy stories about middle- and lower-class people
    Animal fables, similar to those of Aesop
  7. The Wife of Bath.s tale occurs in:
    Her own times
    King Arthur's times
    Beowulf's times
    Sometime in the future
    In ancient Roman times
  8. The story begins when:
    A young woman loses her husband in war
    A young knight rapes a woman and condemned to death for it
    A young wife commits adultery and is condemned to death for it
  9. To save his life, the person must:
    Answer a riddle
    Bring back a holy relic from Jerusalem
    Go slay a dragon
  10. The riddle that must be answered is the question:
    What is the one thing that women most desire
    What is the one thing that men most desire
    Where can death be found
  11. The answer to the riddle is that women most desire:
    Control over things, especially their husbands
    Money and lots of it
    Young, beautiful men as their husbands
    To be in a constant state of rapturous, romantic love
  12. For giving him the answer, the old hag requires that the young knight:
    Pay her an extraordinary amount of gold
    Work as her slave for the rest of his life
    Marry her as she is
  13. The young knight in The Wife of Bath's Tale is given several choices; which does he choose?
    A young, pretty wife who will cause him trouble
    An old, ugly wife who not cause him any trouble
    An old, ugly wife who will cause him trouble
    A young, pretty wife who not cause him any trouble
    He leaves the choice to her.
  14. In her conclusion, the Wife of Bath wishes that:
    All husbands to be wealthy, obedient, free with their money, and die young
    All husbands to be romantic lovers, lords and masters of their households, and live long lives
    All wives to be obedient, true to their husbands, careful with their money
    All wives to be wild and crazy, have lots of money to spend, and never have to marry


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