King Lear, Acts 3, 4, and 5

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  1. Where does most of Act 3 takes place?
    In the courts of the Dukes of Albany and Cornwall
    On the heath, in the storm
    In France, with Cordelia
  2. At the beginning of Act 3, what is King Lear reported to be doing?
    Seeking to move in with Regan
    Seeking to move in with Goneril
    Seeking to move in with Cordelia
    Wandering out on the heath in the storm
  3. Who utters that famous line, "I am a man/More sinned against than sinning"?
  4. Why is King Lear so angry at the beginning of Act 3?
    Cordelia has refused to tell him how much she loves him.
    Goneril and Regan have taken all his knights from him and are treating him poorly.
    Goneril has refused to tell him how much she loves him.
    Regan has refused to tell him how much she loves him.
    Cordelia has taken all his knights from him and are treating him poorly.
  5. Who is the poor crazy "Tom" who shows up at the hovel in the storm and converses with Lear?
  6. Who goes to tells the Duke of Cornwall that the Earl of Gloucester has gone to see King Lear despite the fact that the Duke of Cornwall has forbidden it?
  7. In Act 3, news comes that the armies of France have landed; whom does the Duke of Cornwall blame for this "treason"?
    Earl of Gloucester
    Duke of Albany
    Duke of Kent
  8. At the end of Act 3, there is a fight between servants and Cornwall. Cornwall is wounded; a servant dies. Why does this fight take place?
    Cornwall wanted Gloucester's eyes plucked out; the servants who were loyal to Gloucester opposed it.
    Gloucester wanted Cornwall's eyes plucked out; the servants who were loyal to Cornwall opposed it.
    Cornwall had found out that Edmund want to kill him and marry his wife; servants loyal to Edmund tried to defend Edmund.
    Cornwall had found out that Edgar want to kill him and marry his wife; servants loyal to Edmund tried to defend Edgar.
  9. Why do Cornwall and Regan accuse Gloucester of treason?
    They see him as throwing his support with the Duke of Albany and against them in the upcoming war.
    They believe that he is sheltering Edgar, even when Edgar has been condemned to death.
    They see him as the one who has sent word of Lear's poor treatment to Cordelia in France.
    They believe that he is sheltering Edmund, even when Edmund has been condemned to death.
  10. Who speaks the famous line, "As flies to wanton [sportive, playful] boys are we to the gods;/They kill us for their sport"?
    Duke of Albany
    Duke of Cornwall
  11. Who leads Gloucester to Dover; why must he be led there; and what does he intend to there?
    Edgar, disguised as the madman Tom leads Gloucester to Dover; Gloucester has gone mad; Gloucester intends to jump off a cliff.
    Edmund, disguised as the madman Tom leads Gloucester to Dover; Gloucester has been blinded; Gloucester wants to go to France to side with Cordelia.
    Kent, disguised as the madman Tom leads Gloucester to Dover; Gloucester has been blinded; Gloucester intends to jump off a cliff.
    Oswald, disguised as the madman Tom leads Gloucester to Dover; Gloucester has been blinded; Gloucester intends to jump off a cliff.
  12. In Act 4, one of the dukes (husbands of one of Lear's daughters) is killed; which one is it?
    Duke of Kent
    Duke of Cornwall
    Duke of Albany
    Duke of Gloucester
  13. In Act 4, the death of this duke concerns Goneril very much; she sees it as spoiling her plans. What are her plans and why does this death threaten to spoil them?
    She intends to get rid of her husband and marry Edmund; with the death of her sister's husband, her sister may take Edmund away from her.
    She intends to get rid of her husband and marry Edgar; with the death of her sister's husband, her sister may take Edgar away from her.
    The death of her sister's husband leaves both their kingdom open for attack from France.
  14. In Act 5, there is a battle; between whose forces is it fought?
    The Duke of Albany's armies against the Duke of Cornwall's armies
    King Lear's armies against the Duke of Albany's and the Duke of Cornwall's armies
    The Duke of Albany's and the Duke of Cornwall's armies against the King of France's armies
  15. In the battle that occurs in Act 5, whose forces are defeated and who is taken prisoner?
    Cornwall's; Goneril
    Albany's; Regan
    France's; Cordelia
    Cornwall's; Cordelia
    Albany's; Goneril
    France's; Regan
  16. What is it that causes the Duke of Albany to turn against Goneril and Edmund?
    Goneril's letter to Edmund in which she seeks the death of Albany and marriage to Edmund
    Regan's letter to Edmund in which she seeks the death of Albany and marriage to Edmund
    Cordelia's letter to Edmund in which she seeks the death of Albany and marriage to Edmund
    Cordelia's letter to Albany in which she objects to the poor treatment of her father.
    Regan's letter to Albany in which she objects to the poor treatment of her father.
    Goneril's letter to Albany in which she objects to the poor treatment of her father.
  17. Which two characters fight a duel in Act 5; which one dies?
    Edgar fights Edmund; Edmund dies.
    Edgar fights Edmund; Edgar dies.
    Kent fights Edmund; Edmund dies.
    Kent fights Edgar; Edgar dies.
    Edgar fights Oswald; Oswald dies.
    Edmund fights Oswald; Oswald dies.
    Kent fights Oswald; Oswald dies.
  18. How does it happen that Cordelia is killed?
    Regan had ordered her to be killed.
    Goneril had ordered her to be killed.
    Edgar had ordered her to be killed.
    Edmund had ordered her to be killed.
    The Duke of Albany had ordered her to be killed.
    The Duke of Cornwall had ordered her to be killed.
  19. What happens to Goneril and Regan?
    Goneril poisons Regan, then stabs herself to death.
    Cordelia has them both killed.
    Regan poisons Cordelia, then stabs herself to death.
    Edmund has them both killed.
  20. In the end, who is left in control of the kingdom?
    The Duke of Albany
    The Duke of Cornwall
  21. Who says "I am a man/More sinned against than sinning"?
  22. In Act 4, Lear says to another character, "Yet you see how this world goes." The character replies, "I see it feelingly." Who is this character?
  23. In Act 5 of King Lear, who says the following to whom: "What, in ill thoughts again? Men must endure/Their going hence, even as their coming thither; Ripeness is all"?
    Lear to Kent
    Kent to Lear
    Edgar to Gloucester
    Gloucester to Edgar
    Lear to Gloucester
    Gloucester to Lear
  24. Which character says, "To both these sisters have I sworn my love;/Each jealous of the other...Which of them shall I take?"?
  25. Who says, "I have no way, and therefore want no eyes;/I stumbled when I saw"?
  26. Extra credit!

    In which famous rock album does this line get quoted "Sit you down, father; rest you" and this phrase "a serviceable villain"?
    Rolling Stones' Sympathy for the Devil ("Salt of the Earth")
    Pink Floyd's The Wall ("Another Brick in the Wall, Part II")
    Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour ("I Am the Walrus")


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