Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Parts 3 and 4)

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  1. On the first morning at the castle while Sir Gawain is staying in bed, everybody (or just about everybody) goes out:
    Hunting deer
    Hunting fox
  2. While Sir Gawain is sleeping in:
    The Green Knight enters his room.
    He dreams of the Green Knight.
    He dreams that a lady enters his room.
    A lady enters his room.
  3. At the end of the first day, the lord of the castle gives Sir Gawain; and Sir Gawain gives the lord:
    Venison; a kiss
    A kiss; venison
    A sword; a kiss
    Gold; venison
  4. On leaving his room that first morning, the lady chides Sir Gawain for:
    Having attempted to kiss her
    Not having spoken of love to her
    Having spoken of love to her
    Not having attempted to kiss her
    For having still been in bed and not out with the others
  5. On the second day, the lord goes out hunting:
    Wild boar
  6. On the second morning, the lady chides Sir Gawain for:
    Having attempted to kiss her
    Not having spoken of love to her
    Having spoken of love to her
    Not having attempted to kiss her
    For having still been in bed and not out with the others
  7. On the third day, they hunt:
    Wild boar
  8. Reynard is a reference in the story to:
    The fox
    The lord
    Sir Gawain
    The Green Knight
    The wild boar
    The deer
  9. Sir Gawain's dilemma on the third morning is that:
    He must either take the love the lady offers him or refuse it and thus insult her.
    He must get some token—some article of clothing or jewelry—from the lady without her knowing it.
    He must pretend to be asleep so that the lady will leave him alone and go away.
  10. On the third morning, Sir Gawain accepts the following from the lady:
    Her love
    A golden ring
    A gold and green belt (garter)
  11. Sir Gawain accepts this gift because:
    She says it will protect him.
    She says she will tell the lord (her husband) that he tried to seduce her.
    He doesn't actually accept it; she finds a sneeky way to pin it on him without his knowing.
  12. Sir Gawain goes out to meet the Green Knight on:
    Christmas Eve
    Christmas Day
    New Year's Eve
    New Year's Day
  13. The person who shows Sir Gawain the way to the Green Chapel:
    Offers to help him fight the Green Knight
    Offers not to tell anyone if Sir Gawain avoids the place and the Green Knight
    Tells Sir Gawain to be sure and where that item that the lady gave him
  14. The Green Chapel turns out to be:
    A clearing in the woods
    A rustic church hidden in the woods
    A chapel painted entirely in green and gold
  15. The first time the Green Knight swings his weapon at Sir Gawain:
    Sir Gawain flinches and moves aside
    Sir Gawain remains stock still, doesn't move at all
    Sir Gawain parries the blow with his sword
  16. On the final swing, Sir Gawain receives:
    A bruise on his arm
    A minor scratch on the neck
    No injury of any sort
  17. It turns out the Green Knight is:
    The lord, or host of the castle where Sir Gawain has been staying
    Merlin, the magician
    King Arthur
    Morgan, le Faye
  18. Sir Gawain gets the wound because:
    He moved slightly
    The Green Knight missed when he swung his weapon
    Sir Gawain had not given the lord of the castle the item that the lady had given to him
  19. Sir Gawain views the item the lady gave him as a symbol of:
    His heroism in the face of death
    His cowardice and disloyalty
    His conquest of the lady
    The good times he had at the Green Chapel
  20. When Sir Gawain gets back to Camelot and the Round Table and tells everybody the story of what happened to him:
    All Round Table knights decide to wear something similar to what he received from the lady.
    All the knights of the Round Table decide to go to the Green Chapel themselves.
    All the knights of the Round Table laugh at Sir Gawain for having been such a fool and a coward.


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