Setting up the XSL-FO transform in oXygen

Note: Ensure that you close the resulting PDF window each time you run the transformation within oXygen. Otherwise, oXygen will display an error message and cannot run the transformation.

  1. In your XSLT file, select Document > Transformation > Configure Transformation Scenarios.
  2. At the Configure Transformation Scenarios window, click New and select XSLT Transformation.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for your transformation scenario.
  4. Click the XSLT tab.
  5. In the XML URL field, browse to the XML file that you want to transform.   Leave the rest of the values as their default values.
  6. Click the FO Processor tab.
  7. Select the Perform FO Processing checkbox.
  8. Ensure that the Method value is pdf and the Processor value is Apache FOP.
  9. Click the Output tab.
  10. Select the Save As radio button and enter the name of the output file.
  11. Select the Open in Browser/System Application checkbox.
  12. Click OK.
  13. At the Configure Transformation Scenario window, click Apply associated.
  14. Zip your XML and XSL files and name the zip file with some identifiable part of your name followed by _xslfo followed by whatever extension your zip application uses. For example, Send the zip by e-mail attachment to your instructor.

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