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MS Word Course Contents, Workings, Policies

Course Contents

In this course, you learn and practice intermediate and advanced Word tasks related to building PDF books such as using AutoText; using, creating, and modifying character and paragraph styles; determining page page layout including headers, footers, and page numbers; and building multi-chapter books with automated tables of contents, automated figure and table numbering, and automated index creation. Basic Word skills are assumed, but resources are available in the course, including help from the instructor.

In this course, you learn how to:

You use videos and transcripts of those videos to learn these tasks, e-mail your instructor when you have questions, and send your work to the instructor for review.

Course Workings

  1. Once we receive your payment for this course, we send you a link in which you select a start date. Your schedule is then set up for you with due dates starting 3 days from the start date you selected.
  2. For each unit:
    1. you do some reading, watch some videos to learn concepts and procedures for that unit. (You can skip units for whatever reason, but if you need a recommendation, your instructor will mention those omissions.)
    2. you then practice the concepts and procedures of that unit. The videos show you step by step how to do the practice work for that unit.
    3. you send the FrameMaker practice work to your instructor, who reviews and comments, and if necessary explains revisions needed. You repeat the revision–review cycle until your instructor signs off. (You can choose not to revise—it's youur course, your money.)
  3. Toward the end of the course, you build a complete, standard book in Microsoft Word and revise as necessary.



You can have your performance in this course evaluated in one of the following ways:

Confirmation letter:

Your instructor can write a document confirming which units you completed and evaluating any original project creation and writing you did in the course. In addition to sending you this document, your instuctor can send this document to your current or prospective employers.

Letter grades:



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