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AI prompts questions & answers
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Online textbook
AI prompt development resources

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This is your main working page for AI Prompts for Technical Writers. Use this page to find out what to name your files, see when projects are recommended to be completed, go to the online textbook and other resources for additional information.

Throughout this course, ChatGPT is used generically to refer to any chat AI application. Use whichever application you prefer.

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Course Overview

Go to course overview to see how this course is set up.

AI, LLM: brief overview

Use this AI, LLM overview to get a generalized sense of how AI prompt fir into LLMs.

unit_date: recommended due date
Fun with AI chat applications

Use this fun with ChatGPT study guide to experiment with simple prompts and get a feel for the application.

unit_date: recommended due date
Prompts for Brainstorming

Use this AI chat e-mail study guide to see how AI chat can handle both sides of an e-mail exchange.

unit_date: recommended due date
Prompts for Generating Content

Use this AI chat e-mail study guide to see how AI chat can handle both sides of an e-mail exchange.

unit_date: recommended due date
Prompts for Engaging Customers

Use this AI chat e-mail study guide to see how AI chat can handle both sides of an e-mail exchange.

unit_date: recommended due date
Generate to and from e-mail

Use this AI chat e-mail study guide to see how AI chat can handle both sides of an e-mail exchange.

unit_date: recommended due date
Get AI chat to do some math

Use this AI chat math study guide to experiment with using AI chat to perform mathematical calculations.

unit_date: recommended due date
Set up the embed

Use this study guide to embed AI code on your computer.

unit_date: recommended due date
Use delimiters to indicate parts of the prompt

Use this delimiters study guide to find out how to indicate the different parts of a prompt.

unit_date: recommended due date
Request structured output

Use this structured output study guide to find out how to indicate the different parts of a prompt.

unit_date: recommended due date
Provide examples of successful output

You'll often see references to "few shot" prompts. It means providing examples of the output you hope to get.

Use this few shot study guide to find out how to make the prompt adhere to conditions.

unit_date: recommended due date
Specify steps for the model to think through first

This is a three-part practice. Use this translate, list study guide to find out how to cause the model to do some processing first in order to reach a good result.

Sometimes when you post a complex prompt to the model, it processes too quicky and reaches an incorrect result. On solution is to have it go through preliminary processing, which slows it down.

unit_date: recommended due date
Summarize text or extract from text

Use this summarize, extract study guide to find out how to summarize text or extract from text in various ways.

unit_date: recommended due date
Generate a product description from a fact sheet

Use this product description study guide to find out how to cause the model to create a product description from a fact sheet.

unit_date: recommended due date
Change focus to different audience

Use this audience refocus study guide to find out how to refocus the model on a different audience.

unit_date: recommended due date
Generate a short summary of a product

Use this product-summary study guide to find out how to a product summary from a product website.

Use this multiple-review-summary study guide to find out how to create summaries of multiple reviews.

unit_date: recommended due date
Infer sentiment

Use this sentiment-inference study guide to find out how to prompt AI to characterize the sentiment of a text.

unit_date: recommended due date
remember that iterative.mp4 does some translation

As of May 2024, ChatGPT 3.5 claims it can translate these language:

Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)

Use this AI translation study guide to find out how to get AI to translate to and from different languages.

Use this Universal Translator study guide to enable translation of multiple laguages from a single prompt.

unit_date: recommended due date
Tone transformation

Use this tone transform study guide to see how get AI to transform the tone of a message.

unit_date: recommended due date
Writing Check

Use this writing-check study guide to see how well ChatGPT can check for writing errors.

unit_date: recommended due date
Response to a customer complaint

Use this customer complaint study guide to generate an automated reply to an unhappy customer.

unit_date: recommended due date
Prompts to create images

Use this images study guide to learn prompts that generate iames.

unit_date: recommended due date

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