Internationalization/Localization: Reading Quiz

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  1. According to Val Swisher, what percentage of a company's revenue is from international?
  2. According to Val Swisher, the primary reason translation of technical documents into other languages is too expensive:
    Translation companies charge too much.
    Poor quality of the documents in English make them hard to translate.
    International exchange rates make translation more expensive than they would be normally.
    Foreign-based translation companies charge higher rates because the companies needing translation are based in the U.S.
  3. Which of the following best defines internationalization?
    Using a process of adapting software for a specific region or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text
    Using a process of designing a software application so that it can potentially be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes
    Researching data encoding, data and documentation, software construction, hardware device support, user interaction
    Identifying user interaction, algorithm design and data formats, software services, documentation
  4. Which of the following best defines localization?
    Using a process of adapting software for a specific region or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text
    Using a process of designing a software application so that it can potentially be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes
    Researching data encoding, data and documentation, software construction, hardware device support, user interaction
    Identifying user interaction, algorithm design and data formats, software services, documentation
  5. Which should come first: localization or internationalization?
    Internationalization, then localization
    Localization, then internationalization
    They should occur simultaneously.
  6. Which of the following are the issues involved in the adaptation of a product for a local market?
    Multicultural audience, avoidance of increased costs and quality problems, focus an savings time
    Whether HTML and CSS are used in a particular country
    Linguistic, physical, business and cultural, and technical issues
    Whether XML and DITA are implementedin a particular country
  7. According to Val Swisher, what is the rule of thumb for length of sentences to ease the translation process?
    No more than 12 words
    No more than 24 words
    No more than 34 words
    Val Swisher does not state a guideline.
  8. Val Swisher states that idiomatic phrases should be avoided to ease the translation process. Which of the following is an example of an idiomatic phrase?
    minimum operating requirements
    unexpected results
    off the hook
    system reset
  9. According to Val Swisher, what are two guidelines to follow on vertical lists to ease the translation process?
    Ensure that the lead-in to a list is a complete sentence and that each list item is a complete sentence.
    Ensure that the lead-in to a list is a complete sentence but that the list items complete the thought started by the lead-in.
    Ensure that the lead-in to a list is not a complete sentence but that the list items complete the thought started by the lead-in.
    Ensure that both the lead-in to a list and the list items not complete sentences.
  10. What guidelines does she state regarding capitalization and gerunds regarding the effort to ease the translation process?
    It is okay to use all-caps and to use gerunds.
    Do not use all-caps, but it is okay to use gerunds.
    It is okay to use all-caps, but not to use gerunds.
    Do not use all-caps; do not use gerunds.


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