Information Search Guide


Use this guide to explore information resources in general or to find information resources for a writing project. When you are through, you can e-mail this search information to yourself. (Your instructor automatically receives your planning notes.)

For a detailed overview of information sources mentioned below, see the online textbook on information searching. Also, see Guide to Accessing Dog-Assisted Therapy (Mavis Klemcke, ACC libraries).

Two big seemingly all-encompassing resources:

To see how to set up your list of information sources that believe you'll, see the examples in How to Set up a Sources List.

Note: All of the links below open a separate browser window so that you can copy information and paste it in the boxes below. Just remember to close those separate windows as you finish with them.

  1. What am I really looking for? In the box below, list your topic as one or more questions, and take notes on what kind of information you need (descriptions, technical information, history, analysis, etc.) and which aspects of the topic you want to focus on. Here's one place to start Choosing a topic (ACC LIbraries)
  2. What are the keywords (search terms)? In the box below, list the keywords related to your topic. Identifying Keywords (ACC LIbraries)
  3. Which information resources? In the box below, list which information resources (Internet, books, encyclopedias, magazines, journals, newsletters, product brochures, white papers, government documents, newspapers, etc.) are likely to have the best information topic for your topic and why. For the basics, see Which Information Resources to Use?
  4. Informal unpublished nonprint sources? In the box below, list items on local experts you could interviews, knowledgeable individuals you could e-mail inquiries to, local facilities you could investigate, or surveys or questionnaires you could create and use:
  5. Find a guide site on the Internet. A "guide" site contains links carefully selected and organized by real people—often by librarians, professors, and subject experts. Try finding a subject-specific guide site related to your topic at ACC Research Guides from Library Services, and take notes on what you find below:
  6. What about encyclopedias and other reference books? Start with a current "general" encyclopedia such as the Britannica, World Book or Americana (and especially their "yearbooks") and look for articles related to your topic. Try online encyclopedias or resources for finding online encyclopedias such as Encyclopedia Britannica at, Internet Public Library at, Encyclopedias at List items on each reference book you think you will use:
  7. What about books and ebooks? To find books related to your topic, try the Library Information Services from at; and of course the Library of Congress at List items on each book you think you will use. One good place to start: Finding Books and E-Books (ACC LIbraries)
  8. What about articles in magazines and journals? Try finding materials on your topic in these resources:
    Try this as a starter: Finding Articles (ACC LIbraries)
    Go to a library and search Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature
    Find one or more indexes devoted to a single discipline or field (for example):
    Engineering Index Applied Science Technology Index Art Index Biological Agricultural Index Business Periodicals Index Education Index Essay and General Literature Index General Science Index Humanities Index, Social Sciences Index Biology Digest).
    Magazines and journals inexes in the Internet Public Library at

    Create a sources list item on each magazine or journal article you think you will use.

  9. What about newspapers and television news?. Try finding materials on your topic in these resources:
    Try starting with this ACC Libraries resource:Library Databases (ACC LIbraries). Go to Lesson 5 and 6 of 17.
    Internet Public Library at at
    AJR Newslink from American Journalism Review at
    TotalNews at
    Newspapers Online at NPR News at
    ABC News at
    NBC News at
    CNN at
    CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, at www.
    BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation, at
    ZDNet (product reviews and specific industry developments)
    Newslibrary at
    Create a sources list item on newspaper or television article you think you will use:
  10. What about government documents? To search for government documents, try the National Technical Information Service at Create a sources list item on each government doc you think you will use:
  11. What about databases? Databases are huge containers of high-quality sources. They contain credible, professionally published articles. In the box below, take notes on what you find: Library Databases (ACC LIbraries). Go to Lesson 9 of 17.
  12. What about brochures and other product literature? Try using the Thomas Register of American Manufacturers at to see what companies are related to your topic; take notes on what you find in the box below:
  13. Explain how your report plans have changed (if they have)? If anything is going to cause changes in your report plans, it's the information search. In the box below, explain how your topic, audience, purpose, and/or report type have changed. No change? Just enter "No change".

Note: For other research questions, go to


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