Writing Project: Instructions

Develop one of the most important applications of technical writing—instructions. Learn planning and formatting strategies for this bread-and-butter application.


When you finish this unit, you'll be good at:


Instructions in the Online Textbook

If your instructions involve computers in some way, use these resources:

Notice logos

Practice: Headings and Paragraph Styles

In this practice, study the design of headings and then design your own for some text without headings.

  1. Read the chapter on headings and the chapter on Microsoft Word paragraph styles.
  2. Go to this link for practice text and instructions on designing headings for it.
  3. Copy the text above into an app such as Microsoft Word, and format it according to the instructions.
  4. Watch this video to see how.

  5. Name your file with some part of your name and _headings, for example, davidmc_headings.docx (or whichever extension your app uses).
  6. Send this practice file by e-mail attachment to your instructor at davidm@austincc.edu.

Final-grade points: 2

Practice: Vertical Lists

In this practice, read about vertical lists (bulleted and numbered), and format plain text and according to a model:

  1. Read the lists chapter and learn which list types should be used in which circumstances and how punctuation and capitalization should be used.
  2. Use this PDF Click for more options PDF as a model.
  3. Copy this plain text into an app such as Microsoft Word, and format it according to the model.
  4. Suggestion: create paragraph styles: bulleted1, bulleted2. Watch this video to see how.
  5. Name your file with some part of your name and _lists, for example, davidmc_lists.docx (or whichever extension your app uses).
  6. Send this practice file by e-mail attachment to your instructor at davidm@austincc.edu.

Final-grade points: 2

Practice: Notices

In this practice, learn about notices and the specifications for the different types of notices, and then format chunks of text, using the correct label (note, caution, warning, danger).

  1. Read the notices chapter.
  2. Go to this link Click for more options this link - Alternative Formats for practice text and instructions on designing notices for it.
  3. Copy the text above into an app such as Microsoft Word, and format it according to the instructions.
  4. Use this video to how to format warning and danger notices.
  5. Optionally, use these notice logos Click for more options Notice logos - Alternative Formats in the notices you create.
  6. Name your file with some part of your name and _notices, for example, davidmc_notices.docx (or whichever extension your app uses).
  7. Send this practice file by e-mail attachment to your instructor at davidm@austincc.edu.

Final-grade points: 2

Discussion Board

Instructions: Brainstorming Forum

Post here telling everybody what you're thinking about for instructions assignment. If you've still got several ideas, post them all! (Not required)

Instructions Assignment: Requirements

Final-grade points: 10

Caution: Name your assignment files with some identifiable part of your name: for example, davidmcm_resume.docx. Send files by e-mail attachment to davidm@austincc.edu; do not upload to Blackboard.

Here's a video on creating instructions. You do not have to use the free access to MS Word or OneDrive. Just pay attention to the format of the instructions.

Here are the requirements for this assignment:

Remember that errors in the list will cause unfortunate problems with your grades.

Instructions: Planning Guide

Use these questions to define the key details for your instructions (not required):

Information and programs provided by admin@mcmassociates.io.