APIs for Technical Writers: Schedule for your_name
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This is your main working page for your course entitled APIs for for Technical Writers. From this page you can go to study materials, read about project requirements, find out what to name your files, see when projects are due, go to the online textbook and other resources for this course.

When you complete a unit, click the Completed button for that unit. If you mistakenly mark a unit as completed, contact your instructor (or just wait until you've actually completed it.)

Be sure to bookmark this page so that you can easily return.

Links have been removed from this page. To take this fully linked course, contact admin@mcmassociates.io.

Course startup & API overview

Use the API course overview to see how this course is set up.

API links

unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
What is an API?

Use the API-defined—study guide to get an overview of application programming interfaces.

Use the Open API—study guide to visit a few open APIs, which are free usually requiring an account setup and a free API key.

unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
Explore APIs and Their Documentation

Use the Explore APIs—study guide to have a look at APIs and their documentation.

unit_date: recommended due date for API Explore
Review API Documentation

Use the Review API Documention—study guide to critique APIs and their documentation.

unit_date: recommended due date for API Review
Create a Simple Mock API

Use the Simple Mock API Documention—study guide to create a simple API.

unit_date: recommended due date for Simple API
Introduction to JSON

Use the JSON introduction—study guide to get an overview of API-related JSON.

API Formats: Why JSON won over XML. See "Why is JSON a better fit for APIs?"
Advantages and disadvantages of JSON over SQL
JSON Databases Explained. Reviews advantages, incl., MongoDB
JSON Syntax. w3s
What is JSON?. AWS
unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
Postman: introduction

Postman is a free API app that enables you to get data, change data, add data, delete data from APIs and to see how your own API is functioning.

Use the API Postman introduction—study guide to get a start with Postman.

Testing an API with Postman | CircleCI

ApiDog vs Postman

Postman Beginner Tutorial 1 | What is Postman

Postman API Testing Tutorial | Postman Tutorial For Beginners 2022

Postman Beginner's Course - API Testing. fcc

unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
Use RapidAPI for API requests

Use the RapidAPI Introduction—study guide to get started with RapidAPI.

Use the RapidAPI with Visual Studio Code: Introduction—study guide to get started.

unit_date: recommended due date for RapidAPI
Use Stoplight for API requests

Use the Stoplight_tutorial to see why and how to use Stoplight.

Demo: Stoplight Studio Basics. Stoplight

Stoplight Platform Quick Demo Overview

How to design API using STOPLIGHT

Document a REST API with OpenAPI and Stoplight Studio

How to Create a Project in Stoplight

Demo: Stoplight Projects

unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
Use cURL for API requests

Use the API cURL—study guide to see why and how to use cURL.

Use the API cURL—study guide Tom Johnson copy.

unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
Build a dynamic baseball card from API data

Use the Build baseball card—study guide to see how how to build a dynamic API-based baseball card.

unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
Document an endpoint

Use the document end point—study guide to see how to document an endpoint.

unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
Learn MongoDB and create a simple API

Use the MongoDB study guide to see how to set up a MongoDB database.

Use the create a simple API—study guide to see how to create a simple API.

unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
Document your simple API

Use the document your simple API—study guide to see how to document your simple API.

unit_date: recommended due date for Overview, Install, Plan
Complete this course by unit_date

Information and programs provided by admin@mcmassociates.io.