Main working page for noncredit online course in Basic JavaScript for Technical Writers.
When you complete a unit, click the Completed button for that unit. If you mistakenly mark a unit as completed, contact your course guide (or just wait until you've actually completed it.)
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Unit %%: See how this course works
Course Overview: Read about how
this course is set up.
Recommended due date: |
Unit %%: Get an overview of JavaScript
JavaScript Overview: Read about JavaScript.
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Unit %%: Try out several simple JavaScript programs
Display message based on a user-selected variable.
Pop down an input blank for Other.
Set up a JavaScript-generated webpage.
Recommended due date: |
Unit %%: Micro-learn JavaScript
Use micro-JavaScript to learn and practice basic JavaScript functions.
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Unit %%: Randomly generate words and phrases with JavaScript
Use the randoml generator to see how to use JavaScript randomly display words and phrases.
Recommended due date: |
Unit %%: Enable light and dark modes with JavaScript
Use the light and dark modes guide to see how to set up for light and dark modes.
Recommended due date: |
Unit %%: Create tooltip and popup functions with JavaScript
Use the Tooltip and popup guide to see how JavaScript functions in these applications.
Recommended due date: |
Unit %%: Enable "accordion" web-page format with JavaScript
Use the accordion guide to see how to set up the accordion format in web pages.
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Unit %%: Create a bulletin board in JavaScript
Version 1: create a JavaScript bulletin board. This one simply displays bulletin board comments.
Version 2: create a JavaScript bulletin board. This one saves bulletin board comments to a simple text file.
Version 3: create a JavaScript bulletin board. This one displays bulletin board comments that have been saved in a simple text file.
Recommended due date: |
Unit %%: Create a forum in JavaScript
Recommended due date: |
Unit %%: Collect and summarize votes with JavaScript
Create a JavaScript vote survey
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Unit %%: Create a simple quiz in JavaScript
Create a simple JavaScript quiz
Recommended due date: |
Unit %%: JavaScript Miscellany
Recommended due date: |
Unit %%: Narrate a simple JavaScript program
Narrate a simple JavaScript program
Recommended due date: |
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