Professional Technical Writing for Nontechnical Writers:
Schedule for your_name

This is your main working page for your noncredit online course in Professional Technical Writing for Nontechnical Writers. This course is designed for professionals who want to practice essential technical-writing topics but who do not intend a technical-writing career. From this page you can go to study materials, read about project requirements, find out what to name your files, see when projects are due, go to the online textbook and other resources for this course.

When you complete a unit, click the unit1_completed button for that unit. If you mistakenly mark a unit as completed, contact your course guide (or just wait until you've actually completed it.)

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Getting Started

Please read the Course Overview (above) of this course to learn how it works and what the requirements are. Make sure that you understand the objectives of this course, the schedule of activities, the methods of operation, and the assessment of your work.

Use the Grammar, Usage, Punctuation Bootcamp exercises to get a refresh on some common grammar, usage, punctuation problems.

unit_date: recommended due date
Instructions, Audience Analysis, Writing Style, Special Notices, Vertical Lists

Use the Instructions, Audience Analysis, Writing Style, Vertical Lists study guide to learn about audience analysis, writing style, instruction writing and bulleted and numbered vertical lists. (Plan on 2 weeks for this unit.)

We could easily modify this unit to focus on policies & procedures.

unit_date: recommended due date
Proposals, Persuasion, Headings, Introductions, Information Search

Use the Proposals, Persuasion, Headings, Introductions, Information Search study guide to learn about proposal writing, persuasion, headings, introductions and information searching. (Plan on 2 weeks for this unit.)

unit_date: recommended due date
Reports, Documentation, Templates, Styles

Use the Reports, Documentation, Templates, Styles study guide to practice using report templates and character and paragraph styles and documenting sources of borrowed information. (Plan on 2 weeks for this unit.)

unit_date: recommended due date
Recommendation Reports, Nontextual Design

Use the Recommendation Reports, Nontextual Design: Tables, Charts, Graphs study guide to learn and practice the basic guidelines for designing tables by creating your own tables and graphics. (Plan on 2 weeks for this unit.)

unit_date: recommended due date
Data-Analysis Reports, Tables, Charts, Graphs

Use the Data-Analysis Reports, Tables, Charts, Graphs study guide to learn and practice the basic guidelines for designing tabrles by creating your own tables and graphics. (Plan on 2 weeks for this unit.)

unit_date: recommended due date

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