Grammar mashup

Essential Grammar, Usage, Punctuation

This is your main working page for Essential Grammar, Usage, Punctuation. Use this page to find out what to name your files, see when projects are due, go to the online textbook and other resources for this course.

This course includes quizzes and exercises. Bookmark this schedule page so that you can return after completing a quiz or exercise.

When you complete a unit, click the Completed button for that unit. If you mistakenly mark a unit as completed, contact your course guide (or just wait until you've actually completed it).

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Unit 1. Course Overview

Go to course overview to see how this course is set up.

Take the sentence diagnostic to see which areas of grammar, usage, punctuation, and style you may need to brush up on.

Leave up to an hour and a half for this diagnostic; when you have finished, print your results; your course guide will automatically receive your results and may contact you about them. Complete this diagnostic by the date shown below.

Recommended due date: unit_date

Unit 2. Parts of Speech & Parts of Sentences

The following readings and exercises give you a quick review of grammar—in this first unit, the actual physics, the inner workings of the English language. To handle "grammar," usage, and punctuation issues, you often need to know where phrases, clauses and predicates start and stop. You get that here in this unit.

Note: The following links provide much more reading and practice than you may need. Do only as much of the practice work as you feel is necessary.

  1. Parts of speech
  2. Parts of sentences
  3. Phrases and clauses
Recommended due date: unit_date

Unit 3. Grammar and Usage

Read the introduction to the units on grammar and usage

Complete these units by the date shown below. Your course guide automatically receives your results. You are welcome to treat these grammar, usage, and punctuation units as a quick-review refresher.

  1. Study fragments and learn how to recognize and revise them.
  2. Study comma splices & run-ons and learn how to recognize and revise them.
  3. Study subject-verb agreement and learn how to recognize subjects and verbs that do not agree and revise them.
  4. Study pronoun-reference agreement and learn how to recognize pronouns and their referents and make them agree.
  5. Study pronoun case and learn how to recognize the case of pronoun usage and how to pick the right pronoun.
  6. Study problems involving parallelism and learn how to recognize and revise them.
  7. Study problem modifiers (dangling, squinting, misplaced modifiers) and learn how to recognize and revise them.
Recommended due date: unit_date

Unit 4. Punctuation and Spelling

Study the following punctuation units as indicated by the results of your diagnostics or as suggested by your course guide. Complete these units by the date shown below:

  1. Study commas.
  2. Study semicolons and learn how to use them correctly.
  3. Study colons and learn how to use them correctly.
  4. Study apostrophes and learn how to use them correctly.
  5. Study hyphens and learn how to use them correctly.
  6. Study dashes and learn how to use them correctly.
  7. Study other punctuation marks—including apostrophes, quotation marks, parentheses, brackets—and learn how to use them correctly.
  8. Study the distinctions between similar-sounding words (the ones most commonly confused) to get some practice using them correctly.
Recommended due date: unit_date

Unit 5. Writing Project 1

Read about any three of the following, take the quizzes, but do just one of the writing projects. Complete this unit by the date shown below:

  • Description. Use the description planner to study description; see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice writing detailed descriptions of mechanisms or other objects. Name this project yourname_desc1.doc; revisions: desc2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)
  • Definition. Use the definition planner to study extended definitions; see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice providing extended explanations of complex terminology. Name this project yourname_def1.doc; revisions: _def2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)
  • Classification. Use the classification planner to study writing about classification (categories); see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice providing extended discussion of categories. Name this project yourname_class1.doc; revisions: class2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)
  • Process. Use the processes planner to study process discussions; see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice explaining natural or mechanical events or phenomena. Name this project yourname_proc1.doc; revisions: proc2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)
  • Causes and effects. Use the cause-effect planner to study writing about causes and effects; see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice providing extended explanations of causes and effects. Name this project yourname_caus1.doc; revisions: caus2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)

Send this project as an e-mail attachment to your course guide.

Recommended due date: unit_date

Unit 6. Technical-Writing Style

Study the following units on technical-writing style as indicated by the results of your diagnostics and as directed by your course guide. Complete these units by the date shown below:

Recommended due date: unit_date

Unit 7. Writing Project 2

Read about any three of the following, take the quizzes, but do just one of the writing projects. Complete this unit by the date shown below:

  • Description. Use the description planner to study description; see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice writing detailed descriptions of mechanisms or other objects. Name this project yourname_desc1.doc; revisions: desc2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)
  • Definition. Use the definition planner to study extended definitions; see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice providing extended explanations of complex terminology. Name this project yourname_def1.doc; revisions: _def2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)
  • Classification. Use the classification planner to study writing about classification (categories); see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice providing extended discussion of categories. Name this project yourname_class1.doc; revisions: class2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)
  • Process. Use the processes planner to study process discussions; see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice explaining natural or mechanical events or phenomena. Name this project yourname_proc1.doc; revisions: proc2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)
  • Causes and effects. Use the cause-effect planner to study writing about causes and effects; see the chapter, examples, assignment, and related materials; and then get some practice providing extended explanations of causes and effects. Name this project yourname_caus1.doc; revisions: caus2. (If you do not use Word, name your file according to whichever file extension your software uses: for example, .docx for MS Word.)
Recommended due date: unit_date

Complete this course by unit_date

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