Instructions Planning Guide

This guide contains requirement for this assignment and a planning process for thinking about key details of this assignment:

Note: Most of the links have been removed from this page.

  1. Requirements
  2. Planning process


Please include a cover-sheet note or footnote describing the needs and limitations of your audience for the instructions.

For the instructions:

Caution: Keep a safe copy of this and all other assignments. If you do not receive confirmation of receipt from your instructor, doublecheck with your instructor.

Planning Instructions

Use this planner to define the key details for your instructions (it is not required). When you are through, you can e-mail this planning information. (Your instructor automatically receives your planning notes.)

  1. If you've not already done so, read the chapter on instructions.
  2. Be sure and take a look at these example instructions.
  3. Describe the topic of your instructions. (Try using the topic guide for this.)
  4. Describe the intended audience for your instructions—who are these readers? What skills or knowledge do they need to perform the instructions. (Try using the audience planner for this.)
  5. Explain what tasks or procedures you want your readers to be able to perform as a result of reading your instructions.
  6. If your instructions divide into tasks, list the tasks for which you will provide directions; if your instructions divide into phases, list the phases.
  7. List the equipment and supplies needed to perform these instructions.
  8. Describe the warning, caution, and danger notices you think these instructions will require.
  9. Describe the illustrations (drawings, diagrams, schematics, photos) you think you'll need in these instructions.
  10. If you think that these instructions will require some introductory discussion of theory, explain that in the box below.
  11. List the first- and second-level headings you'll use in these instructions.
Your name:
Send this planning information to me at the following e-mail address:
Click here to save your plans.
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