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Titles of longer documents such a formal reports, user guides, and white papers are sometimes too brief. For example, if a report title were "Report on Plastic Pollution," the document could run more than 300 pages. If it were "Evaluation of Methods of Recycling Plastic," the document might be more manageable.

Of course, you don't want a document to have a title of the one John Milton, the Englishb poet crafted in 1641: Of Reformation of Church Discipline in England: And the Causes that hitherto have hindered it. Two Bookes, Written to a Freind.

Problem Titles

A common problem with technical documents involves overly general, vague titles: for example:

Report on Nanotechnology
Report on Ebola
Report on Smart Phones
Report on Solar Power
Report on Graphene

Just think of all the things that a writer could say about each of these topics! Important too is the fact that readers are just not going to know from such a title what the writer is really going to cover.

Elements of Titles

When you craft a title for your document, consider indicating these elements but without creating a title that is a paragraph long:

Notice that the process of creating a specific, focused title is similar to the process of narrowing a topic, covered elsewhere.

Title Examples

Consider this title: Nanotechnology: Overview of Medical Applications. The giant topic nanotechnology is indeed stated, but notice it is narrowed down to medical applications and a scoping element is applied—overview.

Notice the use of the colon in the preceding example. It enables you to cut down in words. Another possibility is Medical Applications of Nanotechnology: Overview.

More to come!

I would appreciate your thoughts, reactions, criticism regarding this chapter: your responseDavid McMurrey.